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The Invisibles

What the hell can I say about the Invisibles? It is truly a magnum opus. A prophetic meld of magic, conspiracy, and spy-adventure novel, with a twist of drug paranoia thrown in there. Yes, it is by Grant Morrison, and No, he is not paying me to write good things about him on my blogs. If you've ever had a hint of doubt about the world you live in, then you need to read The Invisibles. If you've ever seen strange lights in the sky, or heard a weird noise in the dark of night, or ever, in your misspent youth, convinced your parents to buy you a 'magick' book, then you must read it. If not, go about your life, blissfully unaware of the secrets that surround you.

I am thinking of some way to sum up the plot...okay...throughout history there have been groups of Invisibles, cells of spy units dedicated to fighting the ultimate evil, a horror of Lovecraftian proportions. The seven books that make up the whole contain sex, time travel, violence, magick, abductions, ancient mexican deities, drug use, great writing, great art, and craziness that only Morrison can deliver.

Don't make me explain it...just read it.