The Testing Ground

Friday, September 24

Monday, September 13

Friday, September 10
Beware the Couscous

In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema

Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously uncharted cavern underneath the capital's chic 16th arrondissement.
Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris's most intriguing recent discoveries.

"We have no idea whatsoever," a police spokesman said.
"There were two swastikas painted on the ceiling, but also celtic crosses and several stars of David, so we don't think it's extremists. Some sect or secret society, maybe. There are any number of possibilities."

After entering the network through a drain next to the Trocadero, the officers came across a tarpaulin marked: Building site, No access.
Behind that, a tunnel held a desk and a closed-circuit TV camera set to automatically record images of anyone passing. The mechanism also triggered a tape of dogs barking, "clearly designed to frighten people off," the spokesman said.

Further along, the tunnel opened into a vast 400 sq metre cave some 18m underground, "like an underground amphitheatre, with terraces cut into the rock and chairs".

There the police found a full-sized cinema screen, projection equipment, and tapes of a wide variety of films, including 1950s film noir classics and more recent thrillers. None of the films were banned or even offensive, the spokesman said.
A smaller cave next door had been turned into an informal restaurant and bar. "There were bottles of whisky and other spirits behind a bar, tables and chairs, a pressure-cooker for making couscous," the spokesman said.

"The whole thing ran off a professionally installed electricity system and there were at least three phone lines down there." Three days later, when the police returned accompanied by experts from the French electricity board to see where the power was coming from, the phone and electricity lines had been cut and a note was lying in the middle of the floor: "Do not," it said, "try to find us."


S.A. Zoo Weighs-In on Chupacabra Debate

Bones from a mystery animal shot by an Elmendorf rancher have been taken to an expert
from the San Antonio Zoo. But can he tell what it is?

John Gramieri, the Mammal Curator at the San Antonio Zoo, doesn't think it's the Chupacabra. It's definitely unique, but he thinks it's a mix between a dog and a coyote.

If You Want Something Done Right...

Foreign Monitors to Report on U.S. Presidential Vote

Washington - Major international monitors will issue an unprecedented report on the handling of this year's U.S. presidential election, after the 2000 vote raised concerns of disenfranchisement, U.S. officials said on Monday.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will a send a team to observe the vote in a move applauded by Democrats who had sought monitors because they felt ballots were unfairly left uncounted last time, particularly in Florida.

The OSCE, which groups 55 countries, does not have a mandate to judge the fairness of this year's vote. Still, while some OSCE representatives have observed U.S. presidential votes before, this year will be the first time they will report publicly afterward on any shortcomings it finds, according to State Department officials.

Friday, September 3
McNuclear Energy

A nuclear reactor that can meet the energy needs of developing countries without the risk that they will use the by-products to make weapons is being developed by the US Department of Energy.

The aim is to create a sealed reactor that can be delivered to a site, left to generate power for up to 30 years, and retrieved when its fuel is spent. The developers claim that no one would be able to remove the fissile material from the reactor because its core would be inside a tamper-proof cask protected by a thicket of alarms.

The US will deliver the sealed unit by ship and truck and install it. When the fuel runs out it will collect the old reactor for recycling or disposal. The DoE hopes to have a prototype by 2015.

A note from some of the protesters out in the NYC Police State

"...the march was halted by police at the front forcing marchers to spill into the whole sidewalk. The police (who
numbered almost as many as the protesters) immediately closed off and circled the marchers contained on the sidewalk. We couldn't move. We couldn't back up or leave. We heard no warning and were not allowed disperse. We were enclosed by an orange net fencing and were told that we were being arrested.

At about 4:15 p.m., police began rounding us up, handcuffing us and putting us onto buses to be taken away. We then began being told that we were not "arrested" but merely "detained".

Such is the "America" that George Bush has brought us to.
We do want to acknowledge that the rank and file police were overwhelmingly in support of us but seem to feel forced to satisfy the top brass > to keep their jobs and feed their families. During our incarceration, we heard these comments from police:

a.. One police officer looked us in the eye and sadly said, "I'm so sorry."
b.. Another said: "You don't think that any of us want to be doing this, do you?"
c.. Another officer told us during the wee hours of the morning, that "We're doing this to keep the rich Republicans happy."
d.. Another officer reminded us that: "When you're feeling down and discouraged, remember why you're here and what you came to do."
e.. And my favorite story. When a young 17-year-old woman began to cry as she was being fingerprinted, the officer finger printing her gently said to her: "Remember your cause and keep your mind on why you came here and on what you came to do. Remember all of those people who came before you and did just what you did tonight for something they believed in"."

Take me to your Comrade

They called themselves the Posadists after their founder Juan R Posadas and, like many UFO cults, they bore a fierce loyalty to their “dear master”. They believed that close encounters were evidence of superior socialist civilisations from Earth’s future.

Their bizarre belief in flying saucers was not channelled to them by some tackily-named space entity but “theoretically informed” by Marx and Trotsky, and was for them a logical extension of Marxist dialectical materialism. Posadas wrote: “We will travel to planets millions of light years away under a Socialist society.”

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