The Testing Ground

Wednesday, April 28
Bush and Cheney will meet in a private, closed-door session beginning at 9:30 a.m. EDT at the White House with all 10 members of the commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

At the administration's request, the questioning will not be recorded, nor will a stenographer be present to make a transcript. Commission members may take notes. The President and Vice President will not be testifying under oath.

Why bother, Mr. Bush? Just stay home and watch TV. Maybe eat some pretzels?

If there were some type of transcript, it would probably go something like this.

Wednesday, April 14
When Bush gave his second prime-time press conference in two years (on 6 March 2003), in a flustered moment, he admitted that the production was "scripted." But in transcripts of the event, all media outlets, except one, have changed or removed that embarassing moment.

It happened when Bush was looking down at his notes to see which reporter he was supposed to call upon. The following excerpt is from the official transcript at the White House's Website:

"The risk of doing nothing, the risk of hoping that Saddam Hussein changes his mind and becomes a gentle soul, the risk that somehow -- that inaction will make the world safer, is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.

We'll be there in a minute. King, John King. This is a scripted -- (laughter.)

Q Thank you, Mr. President. How would -- sir, how would you answer your critics who say that they think this is somehow personal?"

You can confirm this for yourself by going to the transcript . The exchange is not quite halfway down the page.

Also see the CNN Transcript, "Were White House Reporters Used as Cogs in Pro-War Machine?; What Is Life Like for Journalists on Front Lines?"

In Which Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Editor of The Nation stated:

"But one had a sense of being at the court of King George. I mean, Bush at one point said, this is scripted. He looked down at his list, this was the first time in modern memory when a president had a list of reporters he was going to call on. This was not democracy. This was managed democracy."

Taken, with much thanks, from

Tuesday, April 13
A New World Order

I could hear him speaking. I could hear every word. Every syllable was clear as the proverbial day. I could probably even have repeated most of it back to you; terrorist, subjugation, hazards, costs, deaths, conflict, mass murder…
I could hear every word; I just didn’t understand it. I was trained not to: Awareness, not distraction. The tunnel vision was setting in past the flash bulbs, the hum of the television cameras, the heat of the lights, the cramped legs, the smug looks. Sometimes I feel like I don’t even need the scope. I know that’s not true but once the training sets in the weapon becomes a part of you. It’s like an arm, a heart. The training is everything. Breathe…inhale. Breathe…exhale. Steady the shot, breathe…inhale. Establish a rhythm, breathe…exhale. Uncap the scope, a glint off of those movie studio lights won’t matter now. Breathe…inhale. Hold it.


A king is dead.
I don’t bother running. There’s no way I can escape. It doesn’t matter if I’m captured I don’t exist anyway. I take out a few Secret Service agents just to make sure things go as planned. Within seconds I can feel the hot lead tunneling its way through my gut, my arm, my chest. I can smell the scorched flesh. I don’t remember hitting the floor but lying there, in my own sticky fluid, the training begins to fade. Pain and fear rushes into the vacuum. The last thing I see, within my mind, is the smirk of the man who hired me…who trained me…

Long live the king…

Saturday, April 10
Dumpster Diving

Found this on-line somewhere.
Basically it was a short essay by scribe Alan Moore about the history of his magical lodge, The Moon And The Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre Of Marvels. At the end of the essay he details the teachings of the order, which are as follows;

1. Fuck 'em.

2. Trim the Fatheads.

3. We understand the Moon to be Selene, and to be the cabalistic Yesod, and thus the entirety of dream, romance, and human imagination.

4. We understand the Serpent to be Glycon, to be the bronze serpent on the cabalistic tree, and as an icon of the twisting double-helix DNA, thus the entirety of life itself and human flesh.

5. We understand that the interplay of these two dieties, reprised in the atu-21 of the Toth tarot, is originated the whole Theatre Of Marvels, which is to say the Universe.

6. Everyone must believe every single word that we say, even if it's all like The Book of the Law, and about pushing cripples downstairs.

7. Everything is true, nothing is permitted.

8. Will from Pop Idols shall be the whole of the law.

Love and Judge Dredd are the law, Love and Judge Dredd over will

I hope to hell that someone out there finds this as funny as I do.

Friday, April 9
What's so good about Friday?

I don't care anymore. I know super-hero comics are hurting the industry. I know that for the most part Marvel are tools.

I know all of this, but I still think Supreme Power and Ultimate Spiderman rock!!

They are great, exciting reads that consistantly remind me what I like about super-hero books. It's not clever re-invention, it's clever writing that does it. Pretty art helps, but give me likable characters, and interesting story-lines and my heart is pounding like I'm 16 again.

Here are some other great books I've been digging:

Kinetic- A DC title. A look at superhumans in the 'real' world. It's part of DC's new Focus line, and it's the only one that seems to stand out for me.

Rex Mundi- A great alternate-historical book, based off of real world mysteries. They really take their time to let things happen in this series. It has a great European-mystery-noir 'feel'.

The Pulse- Another Marvel book. It's Bendis. Bendis is Marvel. Just go with it.

Old Favorites:

Planetary- If you read comics, and you're not reading Planetary, then you're doing it wrong.

Promethea- The single most imortant comic to be published. It's a play on language, and art, and creativity. It's magic, it truly is.

Daredevil- Bendis closed the book on Miller, and started his own chapter. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then it doesn't matter anyway.

Tuesday, April 6

Thursday, April 1
You have the impression that the disasters of the world do not touch you anymore? You feel vaguely sorry for other people's misfortunes but you don't feel the inner urge which used to make you help your neighbour ? WiFi-SM is the solution !

WiFi-SM is an Internet connected wireless device that you can fix on any part of your body. It automatically detects the information from approximately 4,500 news sources worldwide updated continuously and analyses them looking for specific keywords such as death, kill, murder, torture, rape, war, virus etc.. Each time the text of the news contains one of these keywords, your WiFi-SM device is activated through the Wi-Fi network and provides you with an electric impulse. This impulse is calibrated so that you can feel a certain amount of pain, but is completely safe.

The first 50 electric impulses are offered (only 0.5 $ per extra impulse)

Politics as usual

Some excerpts from a great article by Jimmy Breslin. He really dissects this 'war' that #43's regime has mired us in.

"dead security guards are a symbol of the deep ignorance that runs through this country as we find ourselves in the first war in American history that is not being fought against another country.

Al-Qaida is not a nation. It has nothing to do with the country of Iraq or of Afghanistan or Yemen or Bali or Saudi Arabia or the Sudan or the other places around the world where it exists. Al-Qaida makes explosives in those countries and it arms members and plans how to kill, and it worships.

The last is perhaps the most important of all. In this war, ideology and religion are the enemies. There is no Germany or Russia. There is only our enemy, beliefs of others. You don't fight these opponents by using a map and planning attacks by air and land. The opponents are everywhere.

"A danger to us is technological hucksterism," the book "Technology and War" notes. William S. Lind of a group of active army officers who write papers warning of our useless armaments, writes. "Coming up with Madison Avenue slogans to sell new weapons proclaiming that they fundamentally change warfare is a delusion.

The enemy cannot be overcome by simply killing them. Their deaths mean martyrdom. Where they fall, dozens and hundreds spring up to take their places. They cannot be overcome solely through firepower attrition. Waging conflict with massive firepower and high technology are the hallmarks of the Great Satan to the Islamics."

George Bush, who more and more appears incapable of enough thought to lead this nation, talks about Operation Iraqi Freedom and how we have placed on the field the greatest army known to man. He and those around him seem oblivious to guerrillas. What is Iraqi freedom to them? They are Islamic and they want us slaughtered wherever we are. The American answer is weapons, Bush says. The generals acquire in delight. They cannot wait to spend more billions on tanks and bombers that are useless."

This is The Truth. We are not fighting a nation, we are fighting an ideal. Any ideal that has been crushed by bombs has, more often than not, risen up stronger than ever before.

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