The Testing Ground

Friday, December 3

Tuesday, November 30
What the heck does a Pharmecutical company have to do with Homeland Security!?

In November of 2002, George W. Bush, President #43, passed the "Homeland Security Act". This bill, which basically passed without being read, was a partial response to the September 11th attacks and gave the Government sweeping authority over its citizenry. While this is all well and controversial it was a last minute inclusion to this bill (authored by persons unknown) that is really sinister and shows in whose beds our lawmakers lie. This addition protects pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly from being sued by parents whose children have been exposed to a widely used preservative, Thimerosal, that also contains a powerful neurotoxin called ethylmercury. Ethylmercury is acknowledged to cause autism. Eli Lilly are under contract to produce bioweapons vaccines for the federal government.

Sunday, November 7

I am angry and getting emails and recrimination from people
wondering why KERRY just caved and is not fighting this before the final count in Ohio, before any of the fraud was challenged, before New Mexico and Iowa even came in.

There is widespread feeling that he did not lose the election and that it was taken from him.

There is enough here to warrant investigation and enough to challenge the results. It's coming from all corners.

I understand that he has until the official count
certification in Ohio to Un Concede which is several days from now.

Anyone who thinks that he should unconcede should give reasons why - whatever they noticed, particularly in Red Republican Governed States using electronic machines- and send them directly to Cameron KERRY, John Kerry's brother at his law firm at the address

They should inform us if they were not allowed to vote provisionally (for whatever reason- they lost forms, ran out of forms, etc.) I personally witnessed a number of things as I reported in Texas with the DCCC. (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee)
If you know anyone in particular in Ohio who tried to vote and was turned away at the polls please get their information and notify the campaign. They should be notified if they experienced lines longer than four hours -particularly elderly or infirm people (we call that torture when they do it to political prisoners) . They should be notified if people were told as has been reported that due to too many people showing up in African American precincts, particularly in Ohio where there were too few booths (some only had two or three for the entire precinct) and told because of heavy turn out they could vote on Wednesday.

If the numbers of these sorts of incidents creates a percentage margin that exceeds

the margin of victory- Un Concession has to be made to challenge the count. If people wanted to and tried to vote and were prevented or actively discouraged from doing so, that is a Civil Rights matter and must be dealt with in terms of the ultimate count.

This is the last email that I am writing on this subject in this venue. I am taking it up in other venues.

Please pass along this to your listservs so that we may make Democracy Work in America. We are not a country where he who cheats best wins.

Cynthia L. Butler

1717 K St. NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036

We have the POWER to take our country BACK!

Okay, okay...I'm sure you get the point...

1. States using e-voting gave Bush mysterious 5% advantage

2.Electronic voting in Ohio gave bush thousands of extra votes

3. Ohio officials block public from observing vote count

4. Voting machines in Florida count backward

5. Bizarre Florida results, county by county

6. Black Box Voting declares fraud via electronic voting machines

7. Exit polls data: accurate except in counties using electronic voting machines

8. Did Kerry concede too soon?

9. Why Kerry really won, by Greg Palast, contributing editor to Harper's and the BBC, and author of "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. ”

10. Was the Ohio election honest and fair?

Friday, November 5


COLUMBUS, Ohio - An error with an electronic voting system gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said.

Franklin County's unofficial results had Bush receiving 4,258 votes to Democrat John Kerry 260 votes in a precinct in Gahanna. Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct. Bush's total should have been recorded as 365.

Bush won the state by more than 136,000 votes, according to unofficial results, and Kerry conceded the election on Wednesday after saying that 155,000 provisional ballots yet to be counted in Ohio would not change the result.

Thursday, November 4
None Dare Call it Conspiracy

As all America now knows, Ken Blackwell is the secretary of state of Ohio. He controls every aspect of the voting process, from his office.

Blackwell told CNN last night [Nov. 2nd] that, if a count of provisional ballots was necessary under his watch, he would assure it would be done in a very orderly fashion: 10 DAYS to prepare the ballots and check them out, and then the ACTUAL count would follow.

Who is Ken Blackwell?

Blackwell is a Republican. Actually, he's been the co-chair of the committee to re-elect George Bush in Ohio.

None Dare Call it Conspiracy II

...on several swing states, and EVERY STATE that has EVoting but no paper trails has an unexplained advantage for Bush of around +5% when comparing exit polls to actual results.

In EVERY STATE that has paper audit trails on their EVoting, the exit poll results match the actual results reported within the margin of error.

So, we have MATCHING RESULTS for exit polls vs. voting with audits


A 5% unexplained advantage for Bush without audits.

Part III

Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting for Kerry. CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent. Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state.

Oh well...

I never considered Kerry a real alternative to Bush. If he had been elected, it is doubtful we would have seen an end to the war, the PATRIOT Act, or any of the other evils the Bush administration has inflicted on this nation and the world over the past few years.

But, if Kerry had won, it would have at least sent the message to the rest of the world that the American people are not stupid.

-Mack White

Tyrrany Wins

The Republicans now have a record majority in the House and the Senate, seven of the nine members of the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans, a large majority of our States’ Governors are Republicans, and George Bush is now a lame duck who is not facing re-election.

What does this mean? It means that, to all the smirking neo-con masses who are celebrating Bush’s win, Bush now has no excuse but to repeal unconstitutional gun laws, to stop calling for amnesty , to control our borders, to pull out of UNESCO, and to stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas that is the Pan-American Union.

Don’t hold your breath. We’ve seen an explosion in the size of the government and a record loss of American freedom. I predict it’s only going to accelerate. Tens of millions of beady-eyed, dumbed-down, neo-con, neo-communist Republicans will hail it all because they associate their personal power with George Bush and don’t give a damn about their children or this country.

The Republicans now have strong control over all three branches of the Federal Government and the States, but instead of seeing a new age of conservatism, we're going to see a new age of the Police State. Government will get bigger and bigger and the Patriot Act 2 and the National ID will be rammed through Congress.

Alex Jones
November 3, 2004


America Speaks, and it says: "Duhhh!"

Friday, September 24

Monday, September 13

Friday, September 10
Beware the Couscous

In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema

Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously uncharted cavern underneath the capital's chic 16th arrondissement.
Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris's most intriguing recent discoveries.

"We have no idea whatsoever," a police spokesman said.
"There were two swastikas painted on the ceiling, but also celtic crosses and several stars of David, so we don't think it's extremists. Some sect or secret society, maybe. There are any number of possibilities."

After entering the network through a drain next to the Trocadero, the officers came across a tarpaulin marked: Building site, No access.
Behind that, a tunnel held a desk and a closed-circuit TV camera set to automatically record images of anyone passing. The mechanism also triggered a tape of dogs barking, "clearly designed to frighten people off," the spokesman said.

Further along, the tunnel opened into a vast 400 sq metre cave some 18m underground, "like an underground amphitheatre, with terraces cut into the rock and chairs".

There the police found a full-sized cinema screen, projection equipment, and tapes of a wide variety of films, including 1950s film noir classics and more recent thrillers. None of the films were banned or even offensive, the spokesman said.
A smaller cave next door had been turned into an informal restaurant and bar. "There were bottles of whisky and other spirits behind a bar, tables and chairs, a pressure-cooker for making couscous," the spokesman said.

"The whole thing ran off a professionally installed electricity system and there were at least three phone lines down there." Three days later, when the police returned accompanied by experts from the French electricity board to see where the power was coming from, the phone and electricity lines had been cut and a note was lying in the middle of the floor: "Do not," it said, "try to find us."


S.A. Zoo Weighs-In on Chupacabra Debate

Bones from a mystery animal shot by an Elmendorf rancher have been taken to an expert
from the San Antonio Zoo. But can he tell what it is?

John Gramieri, the Mammal Curator at the San Antonio Zoo, doesn't think it's the Chupacabra. It's definitely unique, but he thinks it's a mix between a dog and a coyote.

If You Want Something Done Right...

Foreign Monitors to Report on U.S. Presidential Vote

Washington - Major international monitors will issue an unprecedented report on the handling of this year's U.S. presidential election, after the 2000 vote raised concerns of disenfranchisement, U.S. officials said on Monday.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will a send a team to observe the vote in a move applauded by Democrats who had sought monitors because they felt ballots were unfairly left uncounted last time, particularly in Florida.

The OSCE, which groups 55 countries, does not have a mandate to judge the fairness of this year's vote. Still, while some OSCE representatives have observed U.S. presidential votes before, this year will be the first time they will report publicly afterward on any shortcomings it finds, according to State Department officials.

Friday, September 3
McNuclear Energy

A nuclear reactor that can meet the energy needs of developing countries without the risk that they will use the by-products to make weapons is being developed by the US Department of Energy.

The aim is to create a sealed reactor that can be delivered to a site, left to generate power for up to 30 years, and retrieved when its fuel is spent. The developers claim that no one would be able to remove the fissile material from the reactor because its core would be inside a tamper-proof cask protected by a thicket of alarms.

The US will deliver the sealed unit by ship and truck and install it. When the fuel runs out it will collect the old reactor for recycling or disposal. The DoE hopes to have a prototype by 2015.

A note from some of the protesters out in the NYC Police State

"...the march was halted by police at the front forcing marchers to spill into the whole sidewalk. The police (who
numbered almost as many as the protesters) immediately closed off and circled the marchers contained on the sidewalk. We couldn't move. We couldn't back up or leave. We heard no warning and were not allowed disperse. We were enclosed by an orange net fencing and were told that we were being arrested.

At about 4:15 p.m., police began rounding us up, handcuffing us and putting us onto buses to be taken away. We then began being told that we were not "arrested" but merely "detained".

Such is the "America" that George Bush has brought us to.
We do want to acknowledge that the rank and file police were overwhelmingly in support of us but seem to feel forced to satisfy the top brass > to keep their jobs and feed their families. During our incarceration, we heard these comments from police:

a.. One police officer looked us in the eye and sadly said, "I'm so sorry."
b.. Another said: "You don't think that any of us want to be doing this, do you?"
c.. Another officer told us during the wee hours of the morning, that "We're doing this to keep the rich Republicans happy."
d.. Another officer reminded us that: "When you're feeling down and discouraged, remember why you're here and what you came to do."
e.. And my favorite story. When a young 17-year-old woman began to cry as she was being fingerprinted, the officer finger printing her gently said to her: "Remember your cause and keep your mind on why you came here and on what you came to do. Remember all of those people who came before you and did just what you did tonight for something they believed in"."

Take me to your Comrade

They called themselves the Posadists after their founder Juan R Posadas and, like many UFO cults, they bore a fierce loyalty to their “dear master”. They believed that close encounters were evidence of superior socialist civilisations from Earth’s future.

Their bizarre belief in flying saucers was not channelled to them by some tackily-named space entity but “theoretically informed” by Marx and Trotsky, and was for them a logical extension of Marxist dialectical materialism. Posadas wrote: “We will travel to planets millions of light years away under a Socialist society.”

Wednesday, August 4
CIA asks Bush to discontinue Blog

WASHINGTON, DC—In the interest of national security, President Bush has been asked to stop posting entries on his three-month-old personal web log, acting CIA director John E. McLaughlin said Monday.

According to McLaughlin, several recent entries on have compromised military operations, while other posts may have seriously undercut the PR efforts of White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

"I would hate for the president to inadvertently put American soldiers at risk," McLaughlin said. "We work hard to maintain the integrity of state secrets. When we see the president posting details of troop movements, international counter-terrorism negotiations, and even the nuclear launch codes, as he did on Monday, we have to step up and say something."

(Courtesy The Onion)

Monday, August 2

A rancher in Elmendorf, southeast of San Antonio, Texas found a strange creature attacking his livestock, and local animal experts say identifying it is a tough call.

Devin Macanally says he has lived on his ranch for 15 years and has never seen anything like it.

It is a strange dog-looking creature with a blue color that he says began a killing spree. Devin first knew something was up when his chickens started disappearing. At one point, 35 were gone in just one day.

"First thing that came to my mind, is surely everybody's gonna think this is a chupacabra," he laughed. "But it's so odd because it has no hair."

People at the San Antonio Zoo say they have not seen anything like it. Terry DeRosa with the zoo says at a feather-light 20 pounds, he thinks it might be a wild mexican dog.

A Walking Gun Platform

"If we were in Detroit, the 2020 Future Warrior system would be the concept car. It leverages a lot of the nano-work being done by the Massachusetts Institute for Technology," DeGay said, noting the Army just awarded MIT a five- year, $50 million program to establish the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies.

Another potential development is inserting "nanomuscle fibers" that can actually simulate muscles, giving soldiers more strength. Fabric is impregnated with nanomachines that create the same weight, lift and feel as a muscle. "So I coat the outside of the armor with a nanomuscle fiber that gives me 25 to 35 percent better lifting capability," DeGay explained.

The uniform from the waist down will have a robotic-powered system that is connected directly to the soldier. This system could use pistons to actually replicate the lower body, giving the soldier "upwards of about 300 percent greater lifting and load-carriage capability," DeGay said. "We are looking at potentially mounting a weapon directly to the uniform system and now the soldier becomes a walking gun platform."

"Maggots, Michael..."

Maggots Make Medical Comeback

"They'll probably be easier to use now that they're FDA-approved, and we'll talk about it more and think about it more," Kirsner said. He estimates he uses maggots in about one in 50 patients where conventional therapy alone isn't enough. This has been quite a year for wormlike critters.

In June, FDA also gave its seal of approval to leeches, those bloodsuckers that help plastic surgeons save severed body parts by removing pooled blood and restoring circulation. And in the spring, University of Iowa researchers reported early evidence that drinking whipworm eggs, which causes a temporary, harmless infection, might soothe inflammatory bowel disease by diverting the overactive immune reaction that causes it.

Friday, July 16
They Just Love What We've Done With The Place

There is one thing the sovereign state of Iraq can offer its citizens today, and Iraqis are banging down the doors to get their hands on it: a passport out of the country.

On a recent morning in front of the newly reopened passport office, bodies pressed on bodies for a chance to get inside. Pink and yellow files, each containing a precious passport application, waved in the air, as a young man tried to climb onto a rust-orange gate to get the attention of the bureaucrats inside. In the chaos, a sign that hung above the front door toppled to the floor.

Nursing mom asked to leave

West Branch, Ia. - A restaurant owner who held a wet T-shirt contest at his business this summer relegates women to the restroom who need to breast-feed their children.

"Their idea of what is appropriate is messed up," said Amy Schoon, who earlier this month was asked by a manager of The Hoover House Restaurant in West Branch to nurse her 8-month-old son in the restroom, cover herself more or leave.

Schoon, who said she was properly covered, opted to leave the restaurant. "That's a foul thought - that somebody would be ordered to the bathroom to eat."

Schoon said she frequently nurses her son in public and has never been asked to leave a public place while she's feeding him. Iowa law permits women to breast-feed in public.


Bluetooth display animates clothing

Fashion victims and cyclists could soon be benefiting from wearable, flexible displays that can talk to mobile phones. The R&D division of France Telecom has developed a Bluetooth compatible LED screen that fits into clothing and displays text, drawings and animations sent by multimedia messaging service (MMS).

Bluetooth display

The wearable screen is part of the group's forward-looking 'communicating clothes' project. However, the team believes this working device to be much more than a proof-of-concept prototype and are keen to exploit the innovation commercially.

Wednesday, July 7
"ANDREA: Unhappy the land that has no heroes!

GALILEO: No, unhappy the land that needs heroes."

-Galileo, Berthold Brecht

Get Me An Application!

An information technology company in Nordjylland, Denmark has introduced a novel program to keep employees satisfied. After examining well-known trends in Internet and business traffic, LL Media decided it would be sensible and appreciated to offer all of its employees free subscriptions to Internet pornography.

The company's director, Levi Nielsen, believes that access to porn is a natural fringe benefit, like a free phone or a company car. "We know that 80 percent of all hits on the Internet are on porn sites. And we can see that people also surf porn pages during work," Nielsen told local TV. In return for this service, the company blocks all access to porn pages during office hours. Nielsen hopes that the expense of about $5 per head per week will make his staff more relaxed and more efficient on the job.


Two designers from India's National Institute of Fashion Technology in Calcutta have begun to offer a cotton jacket for women that contains a mild electrical charge, to help protect them from molesters and muggers. A 9-volt battery in the waistband connects to a switch and wires running through the cloth. The domestic price, according to a May Indo-Asian News Service story, is 855 rupees (about US$20).

Tuesday, June 29
If you liked Fahrenheit 9/11, try...

"9/11: The Road to Tyranny," a documentary by Alex Jones.

SEE! Why did NORAD reverse standard operating procedure and fail to intercept the planes, and how does that relate to CIA drills centered arounf crashing planes into buildings that were set to take place on the morning of September 11th?

MARVEL! Newsweek twice reported that top Pentagon officials cancelled their flights into New Yok on the night of September 10th. Who were these individuals and hwy didn't the people on the planes get the same warning?

WONDER! Why is the official story that 19 hijackers who could barely fly cessnas carried out the attack accepted? The FBI admits that at least seven of the named hijackers are still alive. Who carried out the attack?

LEARN! How the dark forces of global government are funding, training, and protecting terrorist networks worldwide.

Wednesday, June 23
The Truth

Anonymous CIA: "I'm certainly not an expert and neither am I a Muslim. I think the appeal that bin Laden has across the Muslim — I indeed think he's probably the only heroic figure, the only leadership figure that exists in the Islamic world today, and he does so because he is defending Muslims, Islamic lands, Islamic resources. From his perspective it's very much a war against someone who is oppressing or killing Muslims.

"And the genius that lies behind it, because he's not a man who rants against our freedoms, our liberties, our voting, our — the fact that our women go to school. He's not the Ayatollah Khomeini; he really doesn't care about all those things. To think that he's trying to rob us of our liberties and freedom is, I think, a gross mistake. What he has done, his genius, is identify particular American foreign policies that are offensive to Muslims whether they support these martial actions or not — our support for Israel, our presence on the Arabian Peninsula, our activities in Afghanistan and Iraq, our support for governments that Muslims believe oppress Muslims, be it India, China, Russia, Uzbekistan. Bin Laden has focused the Muslim world on specific, tangible, visual American policies."

Mitchell: "Well, you say in your book that the reality is that there is a large and growing among the world's 1.3 billion Muslims against America, not because of a misunderstanding of America but because they understand our policies very well."

Anonymous CIA: "That's exactly right. I certainly believe that, and I think the substantial amount of polling that's been done by the Pew Trust and by other very reputable pollsters in the Islamic world indicate that most of the Islamic world believes they know exactly what we're up to, and that's to deny the Palestinians a country, to make sure that oil flows at prices that may seem outrageous to the American consumer, but are not market prices in the Islamist's eyes, supporting Russia against Chechnya. I think very coolly bin Laden has focused them on substance rather than rhetoric. And his rhetoric is only powerful because that is the case. He's focused them on U.S. policies."

Friday, June 18
A new book by Dr. Justin Frank, director of psychiatry at George Washington University, raises many similar questions about the President's mental stability.

"George W. Bush is a case study in contradiction," Dr. Frank writes in Bush On The Couch: Inside the Mind of the President. "Bush is an untreated ex-alcoholic with paranoid and megalomaniac tendencies."

In addition, a new film by documentary filmmaker, and frequent Bush critic, Michael Moore shows the President indecisive and clearly befuddled when he learned about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Friedman also says the films “most indelible moment” comes when Bush, speaking to a group of school kids in Florida, is first informed of the 9/11 attacks.

“Instead of jumping up and leaving, he instead sat in front of the class, with an unfortunate look of confusion, for nearly 11 minutes,” Friedman says. “Moore obtained the footage from a teacher at the school who videotaped the morning program. There Bush sits, with no access to his advisers, while New York is being viciously attacked. I guarantee you that no one who sees this film forgets this episode.”

File Under: Welcome To America/Watch Your Ass.

US holding thousands in secret jails
The United States is holding thousands of suspects at more than two dozen detention centres, half of which operate in secret, says a leading US human-rights group.

Secret world of US jails
The United States government, in conjunction with key allies, is running an 'invisible' network of prisons and detention centres into which thousands of suspects have disappeared without trace since the 'war on terror' began.

Secret US jails hold 10,000
Almost 10,000 prisoners from President George W. Bush's so-called war on terror are being held around the world in secretive American-run jails and interrogation centres similar to the notorious Abu Ghraib Prison.

Tuesday, June 15
The King in Yellow

"During my convalescence I had bought and read for the first time "The King in Yellow." I remember after finishing the first act that it occurred to me that I had better stop. I started up and flung the book into the fireplace; the volume struck the barred grate and fell open on the hearth in the fire-light. If I had not caught a glimpse of the opening words in the second act I should never have finished it, but as I stooped to pick it up my eyes became riveted to the open page, and with a cry of terror, or perhaps it was of joy so poignant that I suffered in every nerve, I snatched the thing from the hearth and crept shaking to my bedroom, where I read it and reread it, and wept and laughed and trembled with a horror which at times assails me yet. This is the thing that troubles me, for I cannot forget Carcosa, where black stars hang in the heavens, where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon, when the twin suns sink into the Lake of Hali, and my mind will bear forever the memory of the Pallid Mask...

It could not be judged by any known standard, yet, although it was acknowledged that the supreme note of art had been struck in "The King in Yellow," all felt that human nature could not bear the strain nor thrive on words in which the essence of purest poison lurked. The very banality and innocence of the first act only allowed the blow to fall afterwards with more awful effect."

Thursday, June 10
Excalibur or The Dark Sword

[L. Ron] Hubbard "said that as he shopped the manuscript around, the people who read it either went insane or committed suicide. The last time he showed it to a publisher, he was sitting in an office waiting for a reader to give his opinion. The reader walked into the office, tossed the manuscript on the desk and then threw himself out of the window."

"He said it was in a bank vault and it was going to stay there. I think he was quite sincere. He seemed like a man who had seen too many people go crazy or commit suicide, who had enough on his conscience already. I never did get to see the manuscript or show it to any publisher. In fact, I never encountered anyone who said they had seen it."
- Forrest Ackerman, Hubbard's former literary agent

[Art] "Burk's recollection of the manuscript was that it was about seventy thousand words long and began with a fable about a king who gathered all his wise men together and commanded them to bring him all the wisdom of the world in five hundred books. He then told them to go away and condense the information into one hundred books. When they had done that, he wanted the wisdom reduced into one book and finally one word. That word was 'survive'."
- Russell Miller, Bare-Faced Messiah

GERRY ARMSTRONG - Hubbard's household manager:
"There were two and a half versions of Excalibur. I read them and I didn't go mad and didn't die. They also include the information within related writings, that these came out of a nitrous oxide incident. Hubbard had a couple of teeth extracted, and it was while under the effect of nitrous oxide that he came up with Excalibur."

"It was not anything particularly revolutionary. The key to Excalibur was this great realisation, by Hubbard, of 'Survive' as being the one command that all existence, and all life and all people, have. That became the basis for a lot of Dianetics and a lot of Scientology."

Ahh, to be in love again

Thursday, June 3
Don't Panic!
Somewhere, deep in the galaxy, a huge demolition ball of gas and dust is racing straight towards us. It's so dark you can't see it, but it's there all the same. What's worse: when it visits our solar system, it will create havoc and destruction on Earth.

Nemesis', is the ominous name scientists came up with when they began speculating about the sinister space body in 1984. They couldn't have picked a better name: if Nemesis really exists, it should be one of the worst enemies of life on earth. Our solar system is what Nemesis calls `home'. And the bad part is: home is where Nemesis is heading.

What is Nemesis ? It's nothing less than our Sun's twin brother. Yes, that's right: a second Sun! In the cosmos, many stars come in pairs. And according to the Nemesis theory, our `star' -- the Sun -- is no exception.

But wait -- why then do we see only one Sun? Well, for one thing, Nemesis is REALLY far away at the moment. Nemesis orbits the Sun in a huge ellipse, with its furthest point a distance of three light years away. But once every 25 to 30 million years, Nemesis closes in on the Sun. It slams into the outer regions of our solar system: a place called the Oort Cloud, at a distance of about half a light year away from the Sun.

And that would mean trouble for us tiny earthlings. The gravitational pull of Sun #2 would cause mayhem in the belt of cosmic debris that makes up the Oort Cloud. Comets and meteorites would fling off in all directions, at unimaginable speeds. For many thousands of years, our solar system -- including Earth -- will be bombarded with comets.

The Kind Of Protest I can Get Behind

The Axis of Eve is a coalition of brazen women on a mission to EXPOSE and DEPOSE President Select George W. Bush and his deceitful administration. Convinced that effective political action can be irreverent and exciting, we have launched a titillating campaign of TRUTH-FLASHING coordinated around our provocative line of protest panties.

UFO Sighting Alerts Portuguese Air Force

The Portuguese airforce has been on alert since late Tuesday, when several authorities and witnesses reported seeing a luminous unidentified flying object, the national press reported.

"Military radar surveillance has been increased and F16 planes are ready for take-off," tabloid daily Correio da Manha reported Thursday.

Air force spokesman Colonel Carlos Barbosa confirmed to Lusa news agency that military radars had detected "a target ... that was not identified as a plane" for two or three minutes.

Wednesday, June 2
June 30th, 2004

A veteran South Tucson police sergeant is under investigation for firing his stun gun to subdue a handcuffed 9-year-old girl.

At the request of Chief Sixto Molina, the Pima County Sheriff's Department is trying to determine if the sergeant committed a crime when he sent a jolt through the child's body.

The police officer used a Taser on the girl at about 5:30 p.m. May 8, Molina said. The nonlethal weapon uses a pulsating electrical charge to immobilize a person for several seconds.

"I'll be the first to admit, you've got a veteran sergeant Tasing a 9-year-old girl, it doesn't look good," said Molina.

Tilting Diebold Voting Machines 25 Degrees Reveals 1 in 3 Are Rigged

K.R., who preferred his name was undisclosed, described how tilting a Diebold machine 25 degrees will reveal one of two words in the liquid-crystal display (LCD) touchscreen: "FREEDOM" or "TYRRANY."

"You have to have good lighting," says K.R. "The word appears towards the top center of the display, in a kind of blurry mask under the glass of the screen. It's only visible at exactly 25 degrees tilt, in a bright light."

I'm tempted to call B.S., but interesting nonetheless.

Arrest, felony charges for protester at Boston military recruiter

Joe Previtera, a twenty one year old student at Boston College, was arrested Wednesday and charged with felonies after dressing as a hooded Iraqi prisoner in front of a military recruitment center on Tremont St. in downtown Boston. In his arraignment today a Suffolk County District Attorney suggested that Mr. Previtera's bail be set at $10,000. However, a National Lawyers Guild attorney and Mr. Previtera's mother, also an attorney, persuaded the judge to free Previtera on personal recognizance.

Previtera faces misdemeanor charges of disturbing the peace and felony charges of making a false bomb threat and using a hoax device. The charges apparently reflect the District Attorney's concern that Mr. Previtera might have been mistaken for a terrorist. Witnesses say that passersby seemed unconcerned by Mr. Previtera's actions.

After his release today, Previtera said his arrest took him completely by surprise. "I did this hoping that the image of an abused Iraqi prisoner might make people think twice about joining the military ... both for their own safety and because of the abuses they might be asked to committ. Is it reasonable that I face greater punishment for my free speech than do the soldiers who actually committ abuses? Well, this is post-911 America, isn't it?"

State Of Emergency Allows Brunswick Police To Suspend First Amendment

SAVANNAH, Ga. -- A new city law in Brunswick gives police the power to halt protests during the G-8 summit now that the governor has declared a pre-emptive state of emergency in coastal Georgia through June 20.

Activists said the change allows authorities to squelch lawful dissent without reason when President Bush meets with world leaders June 8-10 at nearby Sea Island. Brunswick's mayor and Gov. Sonny Perdue's top lawyer denied any such intent.

Wednesday, May 12
Via Ginmar

All I know is, nothing I can say seems to sum up this situation. I look at those soldiers, and they seem disturbingly familiar. Nothing in their background seems to indicate this, and their excuses are lame. They didn't get an education in the Geneva Convention? So you have to be told that it's wrong to strip people naked and sexually abuse them? Gee, that pretty much seemed a given to me.

But that's me. I don't know. I really don't. It's disturbing to look at that, and think of all the Iraqis I met whom I'd much rather have living on my street than those soldiers. Maybe the best we can hope for is to trade. Maybe the Iraqis will know that we're not all like that, and maybe we should remember that they're not the people in Fallujah.

Tuesday, May 11
All Roads Lead To Bush

Michael Berg lashed out at the U.S. military and Bush administration, saying his son might still be alive had he not been detained by U.S. officials in Iraq without being charged and without access to a lawyer.

Nick Berg, a small telecommunications business owner, spoke to his parents on March 24 and told them he would return home on March 30. But Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24. He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days.

His father, Michael, said his son wasn't allowed to make phone calls or contact a lawyer.

FBI agents visited Berg's parents in West Chester on March 31 and told the family they were trying to confirm their son's identity. On April 5, the Bergs filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending that their son was being held illegally by the U.S. military. The next day Berg was released...

Michael Berg said he blamed the U.S. government for creating circumstances that led to his son's death...

Thursday, May 6
Rummy Just Dont Understand

"Accountable? But, I'm rich and I'm white...?"

Rumsfeld is a snide, weasley, evil little man who thinks that by mincing words he'll confuse the masses, the media, and exonerate himself and the deplorable actions he has set in motion.

The Washington Post reports that "U.S. officials said Rumsfeld and the Pentagon
resisted appeals in recent months from the State Department and the Coalition
Provisional Authority to deal with problems relating to detainees."

According to

"My impression is that what has been charged thus far is abuse, which
I believe technically is different from torture," Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld said on Tuesday. "I don't know if it is
correct to say what you just said, that torture has taken place, or
that there's been a conviction for torture. And therefore I'm not
going to address the torture word."

Watch as Rummy gets caught in a lie.

Go to to see what you can do to end Rumsfeld's career.

Wednesday, May 5
Freedom Isn't Cheap
Oscar-winning director Michael Moore has finished his latest documentary, but The Walt Disney Company is refusing to let the American public see it.

The film, "Fahrenheit 911," is critical of President Bush's actions before and after Sept. 11 and describes Bush's relationships with powerful Saudi families, including that of Osama bin Laden.

According to the New York Times, Moore's agent says embattled Disney chief Michael Eisner feared the documentary could endanger the company's tax breaks in Florida, where Bush's brother, Jeb, is governor.

P.S. This story appeared on the front page of today's New York Times

Monday, May 3
Jimmy Breslin

"These are the people running your country and a war that could have no end. The new Vietnam? Of course not. Vietnam was only one country. This time, we are up against a world religion. And your president and vice president would not appear where they could be seen, their smirks, their glares, and they would not speak under oath because that is obvious: if they lied, they could be charged with perjury. They are yours. Good morning, suckers."

Wednesday, April 28
Bush and Cheney will meet in a private, closed-door session beginning at 9:30 a.m. EDT at the White House with all 10 members of the commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

At the administration's request, the questioning will not be recorded, nor will a stenographer be present to make a transcript. Commission members may take notes. The President and Vice President will not be testifying under oath.

Why bother, Mr. Bush? Just stay home and watch TV. Maybe eat some pretzels?

If there were some type of transcript, it would probably go something like this.

Wednesday, April 14
When Bush gave his second prime-time press conference in two years (on 6 March 2003), in a flustered moment, he admitted that the production was "scripted." But in transcripts of the event, all media outlets, except one, have changed or removed that embarassing moment.

It happened when Bush was looking down at his notes to see which reporter he was supposed to call upon. The following excerpt is from the official transcript at the White House's Website:

"The risk of doing nothing, the risk of hoping that Saddam Hussein changes his mind and becomes a gentle soul, the risk that somehow -- that inaction will make the world safer, is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.

We'll be there in a minute. King, John King. This is a scripted -- (laughter.)

Q Thank you, Mr. President. How would -- sir, how would you answer your critics who say that they think this is somehow personal?"

You can confirm this for yourself by going to the transcript . The exchange is not quite halfway down the page.

Also see the CNN Transcript, "Were White House Reporters Used as Cogs in Pro-War Machine?; What Is Life Like for Journalists on Front Lines?"

In Which Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Editor of The Nation stated:

"But one had a sense of being at the court of King George. I mean, Bush at one point said, this is scripted. He looked down at his list, this was the first time in modern memory when a president had a list of reporters he was going to call on. This was not democracy. This was managed democracy."

Taken, with much thanks, from

Tuesday, April 13
A New World Order

I could hear him speaking. I could hear every word. Every syllable was clear as the proverbial day. I could probably even have repeated most of it back to you; terrorist, subjugation, hazards, costs, deaths, conflict, mass murder…
I could hear every word; I just didn’t understand it. I was trained not to: Awareness, not distraction. The tunnel vision was setting in past the flash bulbs, the hum of the television cameras, the heat of the lights, the cramped legs, the smug looks. Sometimes I feel like I don’t even need the scope. I know that’s not true but once the training sets in the weapon becomes a part of you. It’s like an arm, a heart. The training is everything. Breathe…inhale. Breathe…exhale. Steady the shot, breathe…inhale. Establish a rhythm, breathe…exhale. Uncap the scope, a glint off of those movie studio lights won’t matter now. Breathe…inhale. Hold it.


A king is dead.
I don’t bother running. There’s no way I can escape. It doesn’t matter if I’m captured I don’t exist anyway. I take out a few Secret Service agents just to make sure things go as planned. Within seconds I can feel the hot lead tunneling its way through my gut, my arm, my chest. I can smell the scorched flesh. I don’t remember hitting the floor but lying there, in my own sticky fluid, the training begins to fade. Pain and fear rushes into the vacuum. The last thing I see, within my mind, is the smirk of the man who hired me…who trained me…

Long live the king…

Saturday, April 10
Dumpster Diving

Found this on-line somewhere.
Basically it was a short essay by scribe Alan Moore about the history of his magical lodge, The Moon And The Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre Of Marvels. At the end of the essay he details the teachings of the order, which are as follows;

1. Fuck 'em.

2. Trim the Fatheads.

3. We understand the Moon to be Selene, and to be the cabalistic Yesod, and thus the entirety of dream, romance, and human imagination.

4. We understand the Serpent to be Glycon, to be the bronze serpent on the cabalistic tree, and as an icon of the twisting double-helix DNA, thus the entirety of life itself and human flesh.

5. We understand that the interplay of these two dieties, reprised in the atu-21 of the Toth tarot, is originated the whole Theatre Of Marvels, which is to say the Universe.

6. Everyone must believe every single word that we say, even if it's all like The Book of the Law, and about pushing cripples downstairs.

7. Everything is true, nothing is permitted.

8. Will from Pop Idols shall be the whole of the law.

Love and Judge Dredd are the law, Love and Judge Dredd over will

I hope to hell that someone out there finds this as funny as I do.

Friday, April 9
What's so good about Friday?

I don't care anymore. I know super-hero comics are hurting the industry. I know that for the most part Marvel are tools.

I know all of this, but I still think Supreme Power and Ultimate Spiderman rock!!

They are great, exciting reads that consistantly remind me what I like about super-hero books. It's not clever re-invention, it's clever writing that does it. Pretty art helps, but give me likable characters, and interesting story-lines and my heart is pounding like I'm 16 again.

Here are some other great books I've been digging:

Kinetic- A DC title. A look at superhumans in the 'real' world. It's part of DC's new Focus line, and it's the only one that seems to stand out for me.

Rex Mundi- A great alternate-historical book, based off of real world mysteries. They really take their time to let things happen in this series. It has a great European-mystery-noir 'feel'.

The Pulse- Another Marvel book. It's Bendis. Bendis is Marvel. Just go with it.

Old Favorites:

Planetary- If you read comics, and you're not reading Planetary, then you're doing it wrong.

Promethea- The single most imortant comic to be published. It's a play on language, and art, and creativity. It's magic, it truly is.

Daredevil- Bendis closed the book on Miller, and started his own chapter. If that doesn't mean anything to you, then it doesn't matter anyway.

Tuesday, April 6

Thursday, April 1
You have the impression that the disasters of the world do not touch you anymore? You feel vaguely sorry for other people's misfortunes but you don't feel the inner urge which used to make you help your neighbour ? WiFi-SM is the solution !

WiFi-SM is an Internet connected wireless device that you can fix on any part of your body. It automatically detects the information from approximately 4,500 news sources worldwide updated continuously and analyses them looking for specific keywords such as death, kill, murder, torture, rape, war, virus etc.. Each time the text of the news contains one of these keywords, your WiFi-SM device is activated through the Wi-Fi network and provides you with an electric impulse. This impulse is calibrated so that you can feel a certain amount of pain, but is completely safe.

The first 50 electric impulses are offered (only 0.5 $ per extra impulse)

Politics as usual

Some excerpts from a great article by Jimmy Breslin. He really dissects this 'war' that #43's regime has mired us in.

"dead security guards are a symbol of the deep ignorance that runs through this country as we find ourselves in the first war in American history that is not being fought against another country.

Al-Qaida is not a nation. It has nothing to do with the country of Iraq or of Afghanistan or Yemen or Bali or Saudi Arabia or the Sudan or the other places around the world where it exists. Al-Qaida makes explosives in those countries and it arms members and plans how to kill, and it worships.

The last is perhaps the most important of all. In this war, ideology and religion are the enemies. There is no Germany or Russia. There is only our enemy, beliefs of others. You don't fight these opponents by using a map and planning attacks by air and land. The opponents are everywhere.

"A danger to us is technological hucksterism," the book "Technology and War" notes. William S. Lind of a group of active army officers who write papers warning of our useless armaments, writes. "Coming up with Madison Avenue slogans to sell new weapons proclaiming that they fundamentally change warfare is a delusion.

The enemy cannot be overcome by simply killing them. Their deaths mean martyrdom. Where they fall, dozens and hundreds spring up to take their places. They cannot be overcome solely through firepower attrition. Waging conflict with massive firepower and high technology are the hallmarks of the Great Satan to the Islamics."

George Bush, who more and more appears incapable of enough thought to lead this nation, talks about Operation Iraqi Freedom and how we have placed on the field the greatest army known to man. He and those around him seem oblivious to guerrillas. What is Iraqi freedom to them? They are Islamic and they want us slaughtered wherever we are. The American answer is weapons, Bush says. The generals acquire in delight. They cannot wait to spend more billions on tanks and bombers that are useless."

This is The Truth. We are not fighting a nation, we are fighting an ideal. Any ideal that has been crushed by bombs has, more often than not, risen up stronger than ever before.

Tuesday, March 30
The Electro-Glove!!

What you need
- A glove
- Some wire
- A battery holder
- A one-time-use camera, in our case, the Fujifilm QuickSnap camera

Make that zapper
- Open the packaging.
- Remove the cardboard casing.
- Pry open the camera to reveal the circuit board inside.
- Your camera should now look something like the picture below.

- Note which direction the battery is oriented in the case.
- Remove the battery to avoid accidentally shocking yourself.
- Push in the tab highlighted in section B to remove the circuit board from the casing.
- You can throw away the plastic casing along with that flash that's still attached to the board.
- Open the battery case and use pliers to remove those plastic dividers. You're making room for the circuit board you just removed from the camera casing.
- Connect the switch inside the battery case to the two surface contacts in section C. When this switch is turned on, it will activate the charging mechanism.
- Take about 6 inches of wire, strip it, and solder it onto the two contacts in section A. These will be the shocking electrodes; anything they touch will receive about 600 volts of pain.
- Throw all of this into the battery case along with a single AA battery, tape the shocking electrodes to the outside of the glove, flip the switch, and let the fireworks (or a lawsuit) begin.

Thanks to Tech TV’s Unscrewed for making high tech vigilantism accessible to the public!

Friday, March 19
Because I don't know when I'm coming back

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

The Second Coming -- W.B. Yeats

Adventures of Regime #43

Can they really be this stupid?

Bush campaign gear made in Burma
*His campaign store sells a pullover from nation whose products he has banned from being sold in the U.S.

The official merchandise Web site for President George W. Bush's re-election campaign has sold clothing made in Burma, whose goods were banned by Bush from the U.S. last year to punish its military dictatorship.

The merchandise sold on includes a $49.95 fleece pullover, embroidered with the Bush-Cheney '04 logo and bearing a label stating it was made in Burma, now Myanmar. The jacket was sent to Newsday as part of an order that included a shirt made in Mexico and a hat not bearing a country-of-origin label.

Way to strengthen the National Economy, 43!

Thursday, March 18
I lied

Been becoming more and more interested in the actions of society in relation to TV, Movies, and Advertising.

I've posted stuff on the Quiet War before, but everytime I re-read it I'm amazed at how easily modern society fits the mold.

The Quiet War:

"It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general. It makes no obvious noises, causes no obvious physical injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life.

"Yet it makes an unmistakable 'noise', causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for. The public cannot comprehend the weapon, and therefor cannot believe they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.

"The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.

"When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up. Therefore the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses."

The last portion rings scary for me. Think in terms of advertising. Watch commercials carefully. Look at the images they're peddling to us. All of the men in commercials are overweight, stupid, lazy and care only about cars, steak and/or beer, sexy young women, or the fidelity of their wives.

All of the women are thin, pretty, wearing the lastest clothing styles, and sporting the latest hair-do trend. They appear to be career women, but are always engaged in some domestic activity and are looking at the male figure with pity. The ruling class in America wants us to be docile and easily controlled.

Women are still held to an impossibly high and unhealthy beauty standard, and both sexes are encouraged to spend, spend, spend. After all, that's what credit cards are for. Men are allowed to believe that it is okay to be a lazy slob because your wife/mother will always be there to help you out. TV shows like Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, and terms like 'Metrosexual' are employed so that now if a man chooses to actually take care of himself, he must be gay. After all, the Mother/Wife figure will always be there to take care of the Slovenly Male. Unless she's nagging him, of course. Conversely, TV shows like Extreme Make-Over actually deign to quantify "ugliness", and then presume to "fix" it.

Pay attention because you are being used.

This just in...

NY Times
WASHINGTON, March 14 — Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising the benefits of the new Medicare law, which would be offered to help elderly Americans with the costs of their prescription medicines.

The materials were produced by the Department of Health and Human Services, which called them video news releases, but the source is not identified. Two videos end with the voice of a woman who says, "In Washington, I'm Karen Ryan reporting." But the production company, Home Front Communications, said it had hired her to read a script prepared by the government. Another video, intended for Hispanic audiences, shows a Bush administration official being interviewed in Spanish by a man who identifies himself as a reporter named Alberto Garcia.

Italics added to show emphasis. We're being lied to over and over again. #43 and his regime must be running scared to use 'soft weaponry' and disinformation to sell their hurtful administration.

Tuesday, March 9
A man was shot and killed during a Masonic initiation ceremony that went "tragically wrong" when a member used a gun with real bullets instead of blanks, police said Tuesday.

William James, 47, of Medford, N.Y., suffered a gunshot wound to the head and was pronounced dead at the scene Monday night.

James was participating in an induction around 8:40 p.m. Monday at the Southside Masonic Lodge when another member pulled out a gun with real bullets instead of blanks and shot him...

"The ceremony was designed to create a state of anxiety,"

Tuesday, March 2
Mars moist as a snack-cake once, Scientists say

Water once covered or infused the small crater in which the rover sits, then it gradually evaporated away, leaving high concentrations of salt behind. A lake or ocean at the site might have once been the size of one of North America's Great Lakes. Or the area might have been loaded with groundwater that rarely if ever reached the surface.

And while no signs of biological activity are likely to be uncovered by the current mission, scientists are ecstatic that they now know exactly where to look for past life on Mars.

Monday, March 1

What's that saying...? Damned if you do...?

Friday, February 27
The Great Flouride Conspiracy

Extensive studies...have shown that the consumption of fluoride in drinking water and prescription doses is extremely harmful and deleterious in a number of ways.

Reputable researchers from such as Harvard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and numerable other research investigators, have shown that fluoridation of drinking water can result in brain and other physiological damage producing such abnormalities as:

*Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
*Hyperactivity or passive malaise -- depending on whether exposure is pre- or postnatal
*Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia
*The death of brain cells directly involved in the decision making processes
*Cracked, pitted and brittle teeth and bones not being considered as a potential leading cause of osteoporosis
*Higher hip fracture rates
*Reduction in intelligence and increased learning disability

"One of the most toxic chemicals known," they claim, "fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb program -- both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal." Other revelations include:

"Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to provide 'evidence useful in litigation' against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens.

The first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show."

The basic contention is that the US Gov't has found a clever way to get rid of nuclear industry using our bodies to filter it out.

Read the entire article here.

Thursday, February 26
Who's watching you? Big Brother's watching you!

Homeland Security Launches Expansion of Information Exchange System to States and Major Cities

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as part of its Homeland Security Information Network initiative, announced today the expansion of its computer-based counterterrorism communications system to all 50 states, five territories, Washington, D.C., and 50 major urban areas to strengthen its flow of threat information.

This communications capability will deliver to states and major urban areas real-time interactive connectivity with the DHS Homeland Security Operations Center through the Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES). This secure system will significantly strengthen the flow of real-time threat information at the Sensitive-but-Unclassified (SBU) level to all users immediately, and provides the platform for future classified SECRET communications to the state level. This collaborative communications environment, developed by state and local authorities, will allow all states and major urban areas to collect and disseminate information between federal, state, and local agencies involved in combating terrorism.

Note: Whenever it says Terrorism, read Civil Liberties.

Tuesday, February 24
Civil Disobedience

DJ Danger Mouse's recent Grey Album, which remixes Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles White Album, has been hailed as a innovative hip-hop triumph. Despite that and the fact that only 3,000 copies of the album are in circulation, EMI sent cease and desist letters yesterday to Danger Mouse and the handful of stores that were selling the album, demanding that the album be destroyed.

Go download the album. Give the corporate plutocrats what for, eh?

Thursday, February 19
Reminder to self:

I must create a system or be enslaved by another
I will not reason and compare: my business is to
-William Blake (1757-1827)

Wednesday, February 18
Seven dead at kite-flying festival

SEVEN people were killed and more than 100 injured in Pakistan during the annual kite flying festival marking the arrival of spring, officials said today.

An 18-month-old girl's throat was cut by a stray kite string while she was travelling with her parents on a motorbike, witnesses said, adding that she died on the spot.

Three people were electrocuted when metal wires they were using to fly or catch stray kites fell on live electric lines, and two people fell from roofs, hospital officials said.

A 12-year-old boy died while trying to catch a stray kite when he was hit by a car on a main road, police said.

More than 100 people had been reported injured since last night in various kite-related accidents, medical workers said.

Sunday, February 15
My weekend was pretty good.

Thursday, February 12

This story actually came out over the AP news wire. WTF!?

After 43 years as one of the world's prettiest pairs, the doll couple is breaking up. A Mattel Toys vice president says Barbie and Ken feel it's time to spend some quality time - apart. Spokesman Russel Arons says the couple "will remain friends."

Barbie - according to Mattel - met Ken on the set of a T-V commercial in 1961, and they have been inseparable ever since.

Arons hints that the separation may be partially due to Ken's reluctance to getting married. All those bridal Barbie dolls in toy chests around the globe are really just examples of Barbie's wishful thinking.

So scary...

Friday, February 6

Wednesday, February 4

Tuesday, February 3
Like scary conspiracy theories?

Follow this link.

A taste:

"Over 15 of the world's top microbiologists and virologists have been murdered or suicided since 9/11, often in unexplained plane crashes. These are amongst the most important people in the world who we would have turned to in the event of a biological attack, and who are amongst the few people capable of telling if the infectious agent came from one of the military bioweapons programmes, be it American, British, Russian, or Israeli."

From I urge anyone who reads this to fill out the form letter on the site. Unless you like right wing religious fascism, that is. In that case continue beating your wife and kids, or whatever it is you people do.

Dear friend,
In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005, after the upcoming election.

But the facts need no clarification. Despite repeated warnings from the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency, President Bush and his administration hyped and distorted the threat that Iraq posed. And now that reality is setting in, the President seeks to pin the blame on someone else. We can't let him.

Congress has the power to censure the President -- to formally reprimand him for his betrayal of the nation's trust. If ever there was a time to use this function, it is now. Join the call for Congress to censure President Bush now at:


Monday, February 2

Hell, or something like it.

And my wallet says, "Ouch."


No wonder other countries want to bomb us.

Friday, January 30

Yay Democracy!

The Bush administration intensified its defense of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act yesterday, threatening to veto legislation in Congress that would scale back key provisions.

Attorney General John Ashcroft, in a letter to Senate leaders, said the changes proposed in the Security and Freedom Ensured Act would "undermine our ongoing campaign to detect and prevent catastrophic attacks." Ashcroft told reporters that President George W. Bush would veto the bill if it reached his desk.

Thursday, January 29
Why does he keep putting all of this conspiracy stuff on his blog?

Captain Joyce Reilly
Joyce has proved that she has amazing contacts inside the military. Two weeks before the capture of Saddam, her sources told her that they were about to roll out their ace in the hole, now Joyce is getting intel that they will soon trot out bin laden.

Intelligence Sources Confirm bin Laden is Dead
(Originally published August 2002)
Alex Jones, the radio talk show host based in Austin Texas, claims to have received inside intelligence that suggests Osama bin Laden is dead and will be publicly pronounced so by the Bush administration just before the next presidential election in November, 2004.

Jones' credibility soared on September 11th after he predicted the previous July that the globalists would use bin Laden to attack lower Manhattan, New York, with reference to the World Trade Center, in order to advance their agenda to create a one world government and a police state.

U.S. forces going after bin Laden
Sources: Planned operation into Pakistan seeks to destroy al-Qaida

U.S. forces are planning an offensive operation against Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida in Pakistan, hoping to destroy the terror network and capture its notorious leader, the Chicago Tribune quotes military sources as saying.

The report says U.S. Central Command is putting together a team of intelligence officers in Pakistan ahead of what is being referred to in internal Pentagon messages as the "spring offensive."

Bin Laden in custody by Christmas

THE US-led coalition in Afghanistan is confident of capturing al-Qaeda terror network chief Osama bin Laden, who has long eluded determined efforts to catch him, by the end of the year, a US military spokesman said today.

Monday, January 26

Saturday, January 24

During this year's Super Bowl, you'll see ads sponsored by beer companies, tobacco companies, and the Bush White House. But you won't see the winning ad in Voter Fund's Bush in 30 Seconds ad contest. CBS refuses to air it. This is not a partisan issue. It's critical that our media institutions be fair and open to all speakers. CBS is setting a dangerous precedent, and unless we speak up, the pattern may continue. Watch the ad and join the call for CBS to air ads which address issues of public importance today.

Watch the Ad! Boycotting TV is fun!

Thursday, January 22

In 1946, Salvador Dali and Walt Disney planned a cartoon together. But the short subject Destino was left unfinished after Disney and its partner, RKO, decided it probably wouldn't make any money.

But as David D'Arcy reports, Walt Disney regretted the decision. And Disney's nephew Roy Disney, who now heads the company's animation division, decided to revive the project.

Wednesday, January 21
My Moral Compass
75% liberal, 25% conservative

* You tend to hold progressive/liberal values, but are more traditional on some aspects.
* When it comes to social morals, you feel that society's current laws need to be more liberal and flexibile across the board.
* You believe that government is too conservative and would prefer it to change several of its political and practices.
* You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.
* You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
* You tend to consider the feelings of others.
* You probably remain calm, even in tense situations.

Tuesday, January 20

Monday, January 19

Friday, January 16
What have I been up to lately? Take a look!

Killin' Commies for Mommy!

I'm at work. Bored. Someone entertain me.

Thursday, January 15

Wednesday, January 14
Dungeons and Dragons/Fantasy Roleplaying as a Shamanistic ritual

"As [the dungeon master] describes your surroundings, try to picture them mentally," advises the manual, walking novices through a hypothetical labyrinthine dungeon. "Close your eyes and construct the walls of the maze around yourself. Imagine the hobgoblin as [the dungeon master] describes it whooping and gamboling down the corridor toward you. Now imagine how you would react in that situation and tell [the DM] what you are going to do."

What had happened, in effect, was that the cloaking of the map had also hidden the player's token self, the game-piece, thereby compelling the player to put himself psychically in its place. As a result, D&D players weren't merely represented by their richly detailed characters -- they were identified with them, in a relationship so distinctively intimate that in time it came to be recognized as the definitive feature of both D&D and its scores of eventual imitators, which to this day are known generically as role-playing games.

As apt as the name is, however, it doesn't do justice to the breadth of the innovation, for the same mechanics that made D&D's style of role-play so vivid also made D&D more than just a new kind of game. They made it, frankly, a whole new mode of representation -- an undomesticated crossbreed, combining the structured interactivity of the map game with the psychological density of literary fiction, yet eluding the ability of either medium to fully embody it.

Indeed, the grab-bag of primitive media actually used in playing Dungeons and Dragons -- pencil and paper for making maps, dice for resolving combat situations and character details, and the spoken word for just about everything else -- tended to give the impression that the technology hadn't yet been invented that could single-handedly manage the unwieldy hybridity of the new form.

- Julian Dibbell - "My Tiny Life: Crime And Passion In A Virtual World"

Tuesday, January 13
The [true] world according to Phillip K. Dick

VALIS (acronym of Vast Active Living Intelligence System from an American film):

A perturbation in the reality field in which a spontaneous self-monitoring negentropic vortex is formed, tending progressively to subsume and incorporate its environment into arrangements of information. Characterized by quasi-consciousness, purpose, intelligence, growth and an armillary coherence.
- Great Soviet Dictionary, Sixth Edition 1992

"We hypostasize information into objects. Rearrangement of objects is change in the content of information. This is the language we have lost the ability to read." With this Adamic code scrambled, both ourselves and the world as we know it are "occluded," cut off from the brimming "Matrix" of cosmic information. Instead, we are under the sway of the "Black Iron Prison."

"We are not individuals. We are stations in the single mind" Space and Time are mere mechanisms of separation.

Two realms there are, upper and lower. The upper, derived from hyperuniverse I or Yang, Form I or Parmenides, is sentient and volitional. The lower realm, or Yin, Form II of Parmenides, is mechanical, driven by blind, efficient cause, deterministic and without intelligence, since it emanates from a dead source. In ancient times it was termed "astral determinism." We are trapped, by and large, in the lower realm, but are through the sacraments, by means of the plasmate, extricated. Until astral determinism is broken, we are not even aware of it, so occluded are we. "The Empire never ended."


Thursday, January 8
Fresh off the AP News Wire

President Bush will announce plans next week to send Americans to Mars and back to the moon and to establish a long-term human presence on the moon, senior administration officials said Thursday night.

The president also wants to build a permanent space station on the moon. The initiatives are part of a broad, new commitment to manned space flight, three officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Any chance he'll be one of the Americans sent?

Wednesday, January 7
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 6
You too can be saved!! Read, and follow the link!
Cthulhu, ala Jack T. Chick

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