The Testing Ground

Thursday, December 25
In the spirit of Christmas, I'm learning Magic.

Grant Morrison on sigils:

"The McDonald’s Golden Arches, the Nike swish and the Virgin autograph are all corporate viral sigils.

Corporate sigils are super-breeders. They attack unbranded imaginative space. They invade Red Square, they infest the cranky streets of Tibet, they etch themselves into hairstyles. They breed across clothing, turning people into advertising hoardings. They are a very powerful development in the history of sigil magic, which dates back to the first bison drawn on the first cave wall."

Tuesday, December 23
Just in time for the Holidays!

* Much to my chagrin Santa Claus was not created by the Coca-Cola company, but Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created by the Montgomery-Ward group of Department stores.

* Suicides do not increase during the holiday season.

* Poinsettias are not poisonous to humans (You'd have to eat over 500 leaves to cause any significant damage).

* The same paper (The New York Sun in 1897) that assured young Virginia that, yes, there is indeed a Santa Claus also printed a long article 60 years earlier about the winged creatures that lived on the Moon.

Be careful who you leave cookies out for this season!!

(Much of this info courtesy of

Friday, December 19

Cats try to eat incapacitated owner at LA apartment

A group of hungry cats began to eat their 86-year-old owner after she suffered an apparent stroke and couldn't get up for nearly a week, officials said Thursday.

Mae Lowrie, who lives with seven cats, was discovered unconscious and riddled with bite marks Wednesday night at her Panorama City apartment, Fire Department and hospital officials said.

The cats, apparently without food for that time, also tried to eat Lowrie's small dog...

Thursday, December 18
Voyage to Our Hollow Earth - 24 Day Trip

Would you be interested in a once-in-a-life-time chance to discover Our Hollow Earth first hand? We invite you to join us now on an expedition to Our Hollow Earth!

Don't miss this chance to personally visit that paradise within our earth via the North Polar Opening and meet the highly advanced, friendly people who live there. We are of the opinion that they are the lengendary Lost Tribes of Israel who migrated into the North Country over 2,500 years ago and literally became lost to the knowledge of mankind.

GUARANTEES: By joining Our Hollow Earth Expedition, expedition members agree that there are NO GUARANTEES that this expedition will reach Inner earth. The expedition will make a good faith effort to locate the North Polar Opening and enter therein, but worst case scenario is that we visit the geographic North Pole, explore the region, and continue on to the New Siberian Islands.

Cost: $18,950 US
Dates: Jun. 26, 2005 to Jul. 19, 2005

*Please note that if we are unable to find the Polar opening, we will be returning via the New Siberian Islands to visit skeleton remains of exotic animals thought to originate from Inner Earth.

If you loved me, you'd get this for me.

Monday, December 15
I will probably be posting a lot of Saddam stuff in light of recent events. Don't think that I don't agree that Saddam was a horrific man, and that the world is, indeed, a better place with him behind bars. I just want to provide information that is counter to the extremely biased, corporate-run news services, and the extremely biased, corporate-run American Government.

My opinon is that the Govt probably knew where Hussein was, and sat on the information so that they could boost President #43's polls when the time came. Monitor the news services carefully now and in the coming weeks, especially the online services. A lot of info slips through the cracks in the beginning of important news stories, and with the ease of desktop publishing the info is shot into 'cyber-space' in an instant. As time goes on incriminating information is reigned in, and condensed.

My next prediction is that Saddam will die in custody, most probably before the 'war-crime' trials start. Watch, and be vigilant.

The only way to liberate, is to educate.

“It’s great that they caught him. The man was a brutal dictator who committed terrible crimes against his people. But now we come to rest of story. We didn’t go to war to capture Saddam Hussein. We went to war to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. Those weapons have not been found.” -Ray McGovern, senior analyst of the CIA.

Saddam Hussein, former employee of the American federal government, was captured near a farmhouse in Tikrit in a raid performed by other employees of the American federal government.

Saddam Hussein or a bum waiting for the F train? You decide!

Friday, December 12

How funny is's Photoshop Phriday!

(So funny I fear for my life...)

Saturday, December 6
A friend of mine has just self-published his own comic. The Art is amazing, simply extraordinary and guaranteed to be unlike anything you've ever seen in comics!


The book is called The Legend of Liquid Fury. What's it about? Well, from the mouth of the author (who I pressured into giving me this blurb):
"A young man trained in the lost kung fu style, Liquid Fury, seeks to avenge the death of his master and the destruction of his school.

Corporate soldiers transformed by inhuman experiments into elemental superhumans stand in his way from killing the mad General responsible for the loss of his home and the death of the teacher that raised him like a son.

An exploration of violence and revenge.

If you're a fan of Samurai Jack, Blade of the Immortal, Ninja Scroll, etc. odds are you'll dig it."

What more could you ask for?

Go and buy it here (Type 'Liquid Fury' into the search field)!

So, I forgot to mention that as of October this Blog is officially One-Year-Old.

Please E-mail me, and I'll tell you where to send the presents.

Friday, December 5
Try this!!

Go to Google and type in "miserable failure"

The results are quite telling.

Also! Go to Google and type in "weapons of mass destruction"

The results are very funny.

(Hit the I'm Feeling Lucky Tab under the search field for full results)

Tuesday, December 2
During the FTAA meeting on Nov. 20, 2,500 police officers in full riot gear were dispatched against a crowd estimated at 8,000 people, mostly union members and retirees.

Congress gave Miami $8.5-million for security during the FTAA meetings - funds slipped inside the $87-billion measure for Iraq.

The National Lawyers Guild, a liberal legal organization, said the day was punctuated by "indiscriminate, excessive force against hundreds of nonviolent protesters with weapons including pepper spray, tear gas, and concussion grenades and rubber bullets."

Observers said the provocation for officers to shoot rubber bullets and paint balls filled with pepper spray at the predominantly peaceable crowd was often one person lobbing an orange in the direction of police or lighting a trash can on fire.

Nikki Hartman, a 28-year-old Pinellas County resident, was shot three times with rubber bullets - once, she said, when a police officer fired point-blank at her behind after she stooped to pick up a bandanna she'd dropped. The officer had kicked it her way before shooting her. She was later shot in the back while retreating from police lines. Her friend Robert Davis was shot seven times while trying to help Hartman to her feet.

In addition to such shootings, police abandoned any legitimate basis for searching and arresting people. Eight of 60 guild observers were arrested that day; they wore distinctive green hats and were apparently targeted.

Libertythink is reporting that, in addition to broken bones, “there were also lost eyes from rubber bullets, and of the 273 that were arrested, 5 were raped in jail by cops.” Amnesty International is seeking an investigation of the Miami Police.

This is the Country we live in. This is the Country we've always lived in. When will we stop supporting this corruption, and start acting against it.

Much thanks to Mack White, and Alex Jones.

The authorized biography of former prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch says she was raped by her Iraqi captors.

Although Lynch said she has no memory of the sexual assault, medical records cited in the book — "I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story" — indicate that she was raped and sodomized by her Iraqi captors.

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"She was a woman, young and alone in a strange country," he said. "It was our duty to look after her and we did. Now people are saying she was raped... it pains us."

Dr Jamal Kadhim Shwail was the first doctor to examine Lynch when she was brought to Nasiriyah's military hospital by Iraqi special police.

She was wearing her uniform including a flak jacket, military trousers and boots, none of her clothes had been unbuttoned or removed, as the book claims, he said.

"We only had a few minutes to save her life, we found a vein in her neck to give her fluids and blood," Shwail said at his home in Nasiriyah.

He said her flak jacket was removed and her clothes were cut away to expose the injured sites. The anaesthetist cut away an area around her groin to insert a catheter to drain urine.

Dr Mahdi Khafazji operated on her fractured right femur when her condition had stabilised. He said he cleaned her body before surgery and found no signs of a sexual assault.

"I examined her very carefully," he said at his private clinic in the centre of Nasiriyah. "I cleaned her body including her genitalia. She had no sign of raping or sodomising."

On April 1, after Iraqi forces had deserted the hospital, it was raided by US commandos. The event was filmed by the US military through a night-vision lens and Lynch was stretchered away.

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A survey published on August 28 has indicated that 12% of women who graduated from the US Air Force Academy in Colorado had been raped (7%), or almost raped (5%). Seventeen per cent had reported some form of sexual assault and a whopping 70% had been sexually harassed.

...there had been 56 reports of rape or sexual assault in the last decade at the academy. Only now are those incidents being investigated. There have been just three men brought to trial, and none convicted. Eight others had been punished “administratively” for sexual violence.

Women in the survey reported that punishment did result from reporting rape — but it was the victim, not the assailant, who was punished. Reporting a crime resulted in punishment for minor infractions of the academy code, they said.

Cadet Lisa Bellas, for example, told the local Colorado paper Westword in August that after she was raped by a cadet she had kissed in a bathroom, she was told by then-academy commander Sylvanus Taco Gilbert, that she “didn't have to go to that party, didn't have to drink that night ... and didn't have to follow him back into that bathroom.”

Who understands what I'm saying here?

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