The Testing Ground

Thursday, November 27
This image courtesy of Bill Halliar Of

His brilliance is inspired. Go, and buy much from him!

Wednesday, November 26
Jersey Devil legend continues to fascinate in Pine Barrens

PEMBERTON, N.J. (AP) — As Russ Juelg guides groups through the
Pine Barrens by the light of the moon, he always instructs them to
keep their eyes up in the trees. They’re watchful for a strange
form crouching from a tree limb or a pair of glowing eyes emerging
from the shadows.

The search for the legendary Jersey Devil may include plenty of
skeptics, but Juelg says curiosity still draws dozens of
thrill-seekers to southern New Jersey each month to go on

“Being out in the wilderness at night and hearing and seeing
strange things that you can’t account for is kind of a thrill, and
it kind of puts you in touch with the mysterious side of nature,”
said Juelg, who leads the outings for the Pinelands Preservation

The tale of the cloven-hoofed creature with the wings of a bat
remains one of the best known examples of a New Jersey legend,
according to Angus Kress Gillespie, a professor of American studies
at Rutgers University and director of the New Jersey Folk Festival.
It’s also become a popular culture figure, even lending its name to
the state’s professional hockey team.

There are multiple versions of the tale familiar to most New
Jersey schoolchildren, but a popular version describes the creature
as being born to a woman named Mother Leeds, who already had 12
children and cursed the baby.

The Jersey Devil

Beware the dark pine woods at night, the gloom is thick
And obscures your sight.
Tread carefully if you must go, move quickly, for if you move slow,
A great dark shadow will descend to snatch you up
Your life to end.

Beware the dark pine wood at night,
The Jersey Devil’s taking flight.

The legend’s been heard by Kings and cooks, and describes the creature’s
Horrific looks.
It’s wings are dark; those of a bat,
Head of a horse, eyes like a cat.
On a human body this creature gloats.
Tail of a snake, legs of a goat.
Long dark claws to tear and rend. Sharp, thin horns adorn its head.
It can see through night, and smells your fear.
For a hundred yards it’s said to hear.
It hunts the pines, the Jersey wood; to try and run would do no good.

Beware the dark pine wood at night,
The gloom is thick and obscures your sight.

It’s said to be the thirteenth son of Mother Leeds, the witches mum.
“Too many children I’ve had!” She yelled,
“I hope this babe goes straight to hell!”
The child, soon birthed with hair of gold,
A cherub’s face had heavens hold.
But then its flesh did warp and split,
Its tiny mouth clenched in a fit.
The height of two men it grew with speed. The Devil took the child of Leeds.
A monstrous body with Satan’s head flew up the chimney, the creature fled
To hunt the dark pine woods with fright.

The Jersey Devil stalks the night.

So, be wary of the pines at night,
Don’t venture in without a light.
For if you happen to be passing through,
The Jersey Devil could come for you!

Monday, November 24
Topless joint can't give money away
4 S.F. nonprofits refuse $4,330 donation from a North Beach strip club

Mike Gasperec just learned the hard way that supposedly hang-up-free San Francisco and the Bible Belt have one thing in common: They're tough places to give away a strip club's money.

Four nonprofit organizations representing San Francisco's homeless, poor and cancer-stricken turned down a $4,330 gift from Gasperec's Penthouse Grille and Broadway Showgirls Cabaret topless club in North Beach over the past several weeks, saying they have reputations to protect.

Gasperec, the club's general manager, was surprised how hard it is to find someone to take the proceeds from a $195-per-person golf tournament the club had sponsored -- particularly in a town where the S&M-themed Folsom Street Fair is nearly a civic holiday.

Friday, November 21

Thursday, November 20
Hey! Get off of my future!!

Segway devices, like other gas and electric powered scooters, are illegal to operate on public streets, highways, sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian bridge paths and multi-use bicycle and pedestrian paths in New York City and State. They cannot be registered with the department of Motor Vehicles and thus cannot be operated on public streets and highways in New York State. Under New York City Traffic is illegal to drive Segway devices on the City's sidewalks.

So says the very sour Transportation Alternatives group in a recent press release.

Monday, November 17
From now on I am to be referred to as Jubilo, my new brand. My new brand is unique because it denotes "an enchanted chance."

What brand are you?

Sunday, November 16
Buy Nothing Day

The average North American consumes five times more than a Mexican, ten times more than a Chinese person, and thirty times more than a person from India.


We are the most voracious consumers in the world... a world that could die because of the way we North Americans live.

Give it a rest!
November 28th is Buy Nothing Day.

Friday, November 14

sssleeeep little ones....sleep....sleep......

I think I know what Victoria's Secret is...

...she's a freakin' weirdo!

Thursday, November 13

Friday, November 7

The first panel of the Mack White Comic 'Operation Northwoods' (annotated version):

If you want to understand more about the world we live in, please go and read the rest of the strip.

If not, then put your Disney movie back on and enjoy your life.
(Yes, I am making fun of you.)

Tuesday, November 4

Jack Black and Kyle Glass of Tenacious D announce 45 day fast to celebrate their DVD release "The Complete Master Works" at the Millennium Broadway Hotel on November 3, 2003.

Monday, November 3

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